True Love Is Like That

Sweet Baby…
Sometimes loving you gets confusing and I wonder what will become of us. Yet, each time something happens that separates us for a little while, we come back stronger. True love is like that. It endures. It overcomes. It lasts.

American author of young adult fiction, John Greene
hug31hr5 2The feeling of loving her
and being loved by her
welled up in him,
and he could taste
the adrenaline
in the back of his throat,
and maybe it wasn’t over,
and maybe he could
feel her hand in his again
and hear her loud,
brash voice contort itself
into a whisper
to say I-love-you
as if it were a secret,
and an immense one.

All I’ve Wanted

I love you is only eight letters and hardly enough to express how I feel about you. When I say those three words I am telling you that my whole world revolves about you my Darling.
300_358238You’re the thought
that starts each morning,
the conclusion to each day.
I envision you in all that I do,
and everything I say.
You’re the smile on my face,
the sparkle in my eye.
the warmth inside my heart,
the fullness in my life.
You’re the dimple in my cheek,
the constant tingle in my soul.
the voice that makes me weak,
You’re the one who shields the cold.
You’re all I’ve wanted,
all that I need.
You’re all I dream of,
You mean so much to me.
by Chelsea

My Love and My Best Friend

My Darling…
I am the happiest I have ever been. It’s not that our relationship is the easiest. It’s not, but what we share is the best I have ever know. Through and through I love you with all my heart. You are my dream come true.

By a writer unknown – anonymous author
love-note-horiz editYou’re my love
and my best friend.
And every day that goes by,
it seems like I discover
something new about you to love.
It’s incredible to me
how one person can make
such a big difference in my life.
You touch my heart in a way
I never knew before.
It’s incredible to me
how one person
can make such
a big difference in my life.